Amazon Cloudwatch is a monitoring tool for AWS resources, services and applications that display metrics and create alarms to send notifications. It also spontaneously makes changes to resources that is under monitoring when a threshold is hit. Amazon CloudWatch offers detailed insight via wide-ranging reports and metrics to ensure robust, seamless and effective operations. CloudWatch […]
DevOps with AWS tools
DevOps is a term that primarily focuses on improved collaboration, communication, and integration between software developers and IT operations. It is described as a philosophy, cultural change, and paradigm shift.Amazon AWS offer following elements for DevOps activities. AWS CodePipeline AWS CodePipeline is a workflow administration service that lets users to plan, construct and manage a […]
Machine Learning with Amazon SageMaker
With Amazon SageMaker, Machine Learning team can build customer-facing services. This product is a blend of HTTP API’s, low and high-level SDK’s, and an AWS Console UI. Data labeling is normally the most time-consuming part of the process of building ML models based on custom data. Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth helps in this case, by […]
Serverless computing with AWS Lambda
Serverless computing means that you can build web, mobile, and IoT solutions, run chatbots, without the need for provisioning and managing servers. AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service offered by the Amazon Web Services platform. AWS Lambda lets you to upload code that will be run on an on-demand container managed by Amazon. AWS […]
Smart Factory using AWS IoT
AWS IoT is serving lot of customers solve their business difficulties related to Smart Factory architecture. AWS supports customers by offering edged based software including Amazon FreeRTOS and Amazon Greengrass that lets customers to securely connect their devices, gather data and take intelligent actions locally even when the internet connectivity is down. AWS IoT also […]
Disaster Recovery as a Service, DRaaS with AWS
Disaster Recovery Plan A Disaster Recovery Plan is a corporate plan that describes how work can be resumed rapidly and efficiently after a disaster. Disaster recovery planning is just part of business continuity planning and applied to aspects of an organization that rely on an IT infrastructure to function. The overall idea is to develop […]
Big Data with Amazon AWS tools
Amazon provides a robust, broad and fully integrated portfolio of cloud computing services to help our clients to analyze, design, build, secure, and deploy big data solutions. With AWS services, there’s no need to procure hardware and no requirement for infrastructure to support, maintain and scale. Clients can simply focus their resources for uncovering new […]
Chatbots with Amazon Lex
Chatbots empower you to unlock a range of benefits, including better-quality customer satisfaction, increased reach, and more profitable service delivery. Combine them with artificial intelligence and analytics, and they become a driving force of customer and employee engagement. Lex, as a fully managed Amazon service, would also scale spontaneously as the bots’ practice increased, meaning […]
Benefits of Amazon Elastic IP
Overview Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers the option to reserve Elastic IP addresses in order to make it easier for businesses to manage EC2 instances and make changes to them as necessary. Elastic IP addresses are static, public IPv4 addresses that can be assigned to an instance rather than businesses having to use the auto-assigned […]
Benefits of Amazon CloudWatch
Amazon CloudWatch is the component of Amazon Web Services that provides real-time monitoring of AWS resources and customer applications running on Amazon infrastructure. CloudWatch can collect metrics, set and manage alarms, and automatically react to changes in your AWS resources. Amazon Web Services Cloudwatch can monitor AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, DynamoDB tables, […]