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Benefits of DevOps

Benefits of DevOps

DevOps is an enterprise software development strategy used to mean a type of agile relationship between software development and IT operations departments. The objective of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship by encouraging better communication and collaboration between these two departments units.

Following are two main benefits of DevOps implementation.

Improved Quality

We can rise the quality of products by continuously increasing the level of automation of the delivery process and functioning with DevOps teams who constantly offer small features to get fast client feedback. While the Development(Dev) team needs the Operations(Ops) team to support manage systems for large scale software systems, the Operations (Ops) team needs the Development(Dev) teams’ help in evolving tools for the operating systems, and for implementing features to improve security, QA, Design, performance, and stability. In essence, this dependency forms the foundation on which the bridge of DevOps is built.
There is some observed evidence that DevOps is making software testing redundant, though it primary desires automation of all tests and to continue deployment of software changes. This heavily relies on data provided by DevOps tools and users in real time in order to uphold the quality. DevOps requests a philosophy of information and data sharing, that leads to collaboration between the various teams. The practice of DevOps principles not only is beneficial for the performance of software development and operations, but it also has a very positive impact on the quality assurance performance.

Better Productivity

Organizations are under heavy pressure to bring better software faster and more competently. DevOps is a model to optimize processes and strategies for faster deliveries. It benefits to fill the gap between the software developers, operations and vital stakeholders involved in the application. DevOps is an end-to-end activity. It involves of delivering software to users, i.e. ability to install, deploy, maintain, support and scale an application. By using such features right from the application’s inception, DevOps teams are able to offer applications that are far more fit-for-purpose, easy-to-maintain and stable after deployment to the production setting.
DevOps has also assisted to rise staff morale and motivation. By taking this tactic to the software delivery process, the resulting ease and reliability motivates the confidence to make frequent releases. This eases ongoing feedback to be rapidly combined into future releases and software delivery to be truly agile.

Nub8 DevOps consulting team supports analyze, design, define and identify a pragmatic approach to DevOps adoption across the business and technology areas. It emphases on growth along with automation and cost optimization. We offer reliable and on-time software solution delivery with comprehensive managed DevOps services. Our DevOps strategy work to automate the process of software delivery to production by incorporating methods such as agile development, automated testing, continuous testing, continuous integration, and continuous delivery.
