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What is AWS Security Hub?

How AWS Security Hub Works AWS Security Hub have a scheme that allows this tool to work perfectly in any alert it send. Every step

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What is Apache Spark-Hadoop?

Apache Spark is a light and fast cluster computing technology, intended for fast computation. It is based on Hadoop MapReduce and it covers the MapReduce

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What is Apache Phoenix-Hadoop?

Apache Phoenix is an open source, massively parallel, relational database engine offering OLTP for Hadoop using Apache HBase as its backing end. Phoenix delivers a

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What is Apache Hive -Hadoop?

Hadoop was a real solution for companies, observing to store and manage huge volumes of data. Though, investigating that data for comprehensions showed to be

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What is Apache Pig-Hadoop?

Apache Pig, was established by Yahoo Research in the year 2006. This language practices a multi-query method that decreases the time in data scanning. It

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How big is Amazon AWS?

The extremely customizable, robust and out-standing cloud computing service provider, AWS has the potential of being the era defining cloud service provider. In a brief

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What is Amazon EC2 used for?

Elastic Compute Cloud or EC2 for short, is a virtual server that aids you run numerous applications on the AWS cloud infrastructure. It lets subscribers

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What does AWS CloudWatch do?

CloudWatch is a monitoring facility for cloud resources in the solutions that run on Amazon Web Services. It can collect, analyze and review metrics, set

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