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What are the benefits of SD WAN?

Service Defined Wide Area Network is the future of telecommunications. This service respond to anything an Enterprise need to cover the connection needs. Even when SD WAN still not popular, is matter of time time to actually being a strong option in the market. A lot of expert in the area recommend to the companies that aren’t in existent networks migrate soon to it. 


In this article we gonna talk about what are the things that make SD WAN popular and attractive,and why is so important to companies to adopt this services. In other words, what are the benefits of SD WAN.  


In this Digital Era the way of consuming data  in enterprises is changing, a lot of apps are migrating to cloud computing, and everything is do it by interconnections. That means that connectivity is the key, and this demands agility, flexibility, security and control in data networks. This is why telecommunications companies are offering a Service-Defined Wide Area Network. The benefits of SD WAN adapts to the new era. 

  • Reduce Cost: The Internet Links are less expensive than MPLS connections through operators. You can take completely advantage  reducing your cost at the same time. 
  • Optimum performance: You can maximize the performance of your resources or apps selecting automatically the type of connection you need depending of the type of app you have. Each app will connect through the best network. 
  • Secure: You can manage a centralized security politics with encrypted communication. You will have a intuitive control panel where you will configure anything in SD WAN. Of course, you will have security reports in real time. 
  • Easy to integrate new offices: If you need to make a connection to a new office, with SD WAN this is easy. You online have to connect the computer to a net and everything is set up. 

The benefits of SD WAN are enough to contemplate the idea of migrate to it, isn’t it? 
