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Chatbots with Azure Bot Service

Azure Bot Service

The Microsoft Bot Framework, together with Azure Bot Service, allows Chatbots consultant to create a bot and dynamically adjust the channels (that is, the messaging platforms) with which it integrates. The Azure Bot Service will let enterprises analyze, build, connect, deploy, and manage bots that interact naturally with users through an app, Web site, SMS platform, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Skype etc.

Microsoft Bot SDK

To build chatbot applications, we can make use of .NET SDK and Node.js SDK. These SDKs provide features for building the solutions with dialogues and built-in prompts that make an solutions more interactive. These solutions are very easy to use and interactive with real-time applications.

Bot Service templates

Bot Service comprises five templates to help you get started with building common bots. These templates provide a fully functional bot out of the box to help you get started fast.
During Chatbot creation, you will see multiple template types like below.

1. Basic Bot

If you have never developed a bot with Bot Framework, you can create a Basic template to see how it works. The Basic template creates a bot that has the minimum set of files and code to get started.

2. Form Bot

This template is very exciting, because you can describe the fields and question that you want to capture via chatbot without having to build multiple if and else condition.

3. LUIS Bot

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is extremely important for chat bots, so you can choose Language understanding template and it will integrate a bot with Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS).

4. Proactive Bot

This is the most fascinating bot, which powered by Queue Trigger Azure Function. Imagine a bot that will greet you on your birthday or it’s time for lunch. To create a bot that can send proactive messages to the user, choose the Proactive template. Normally, each message that a bot refers to the user directly relates to the user’s prior input.

5. Question and Answer Bot

This bot is very attention-grabbing because the bot will respond answer based on the question input. The FAQ source provides a platform for you to ingest FAQ content from website, pdf or text file.
Nub8 - Chatbots With Azure Bot Service - Flow

Nub8 has strong skills in Microsoft Azure Bot service consultancy. Our consultants can help in developing applications using Microsoft Bot service and Microsoft Cognitive Services such as LUIS, Language APIs. We can do analysis, design, development and implementation of Microsoft Bot Service SDK v3 and latest version of the SDK v4, as per needs of clients.
