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AWS Well-Architected Framework Consultancy


The Well-Architected framework has been designed to help cloud architects in building the most secure, high-performing, robust, resilient, effective and efficient infrastructure possible for their applications. Moreover, this framework delivers a consistent method for customers and partners to assess architectures and provides guidance to help instrument designs that will scale with your application needs over time. AWS has created a full framework of principles and best directions to help users build cloud applications that are reliable, secure and high-performing. However, the framework offers detailed design principles and guidance across five pillars:

1. Security

Security is very critical for the cloud and the infrastructure design should help complete data protection, privilege management of all AWS accounts, infrastructure defense, and identify any security hole with Detective Controls.

2. Reliability

A well-architected system is one that has a well-planned foundation, monitoring plus tracking in place and also with mechanisms for the management of changes in demand or requirements. The solution should be designed to detect catastrophe and spontaneously heal itself.

3. Performance Efficiency

The Performance Efficiency pillar focuses on effective and efficient use of computing infrastructure to meet necessities as well as sustain that efficiency as the demand changes and solutions evolve.

4. Cost Optimization

The Cost Optimization pillar is about optimizing costs, removing, idle or sub-optimal resources. Moreover, cost optimization should consider corresponding supply with demand, using cost-effective resources, being aware of the expenses, and improving the costs over time.

5. Operational Excellence

Operational excellence of a workload is usually evaluated by its agility, consistency, trustworthiness, reliability, and performance. The best way is to standardize and manage these IT Instrastructure by using automation.

Nub8 Well-Architected Framework Reviews

Nub8 will deliver Well Architected Framework reviews for our existing and prospective clients. Its review technique allows customers to make informed decisions about architecture choices and also potentially impact those choices which have their corporate operations, and tradeoffs made by them. Nub8 offers its clients Well-Architected Framework reviews—conducted on a regular basis—for mission-critical Infrastructure that could have a damaging business impact upon catastrophe.

For any queries contact us

Nub8 serves customers globally from startups to enterprise. Nub8’s certified solutions architects and engineers incorporate AWS best practices including the Well Architected Framework to advise companies on workload migration. It also delivers architecture and optimization to drive rapid adoption of AWS services and high customer fulfillment.
Nub8’s obsessive customer focus, coupled with expert technical solutions, industry-leading SLAs, and proven policies & finest practices. On our promise, we deliver to each customer to ensure their constant success throughout the entire lifecycle of their technology implementation journey.
